Tried parking in a jiffy to dash into a shop for a few minutes? Got yelled at by a fellow vehicle owner because of your awkwardly parked vehicle? Wouldn’t it be better if he could’ve gotten in touch with you by finding your contact details and saved you from the public embarrassment?
Ever imagined how your emergency contact and basic health details can make a difference of life and death in case you ever met a roadside accident? Well, a Miljayega Smart Vehicle Sticker is all you need to overcome these everyday challenges. Simply lock the QR code, stick it on your vehicle and ensure that you are always available for your vehicle.
See how we’ve helped our customers
achieve extraordinary outcomes.
The sticker reduces the inconvenience of indefinitely waiting for wrongly parked vehicles and boosts civic sense.
I believe we should regulate this and make it mandatory for all vehicles across metro cities.
Hit and run is one of the greatest hazards that cyclists face, and MilJayega is a big reassurance to every rider